Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Too Good to be True? Not this Cosmic Pearl of Wisdom!

In an earlier post I wrote: Being a psychically inspired Cosmic, I realize that I’m the closest I’ll get this life round to becoming the Animate God that’s still evolving out of nature to dwell in a state of conscious perfection. I can’t say I’m really euphoric with my progress in this incarnation; it still leaves much to be desired; and so presumably does that of all my karmic predecessors; but I’ll carry on doing the best I can with my lot in an effort to blaze a cosmicated trail to what must surely become a life-after-life harmonious future. Well, since that posting, serendipity has yet again come to my aid to dispel any doubts I might have housed regarding progress in this incarnation. Right now I am ecstatic about it: my cosmogony has been proven beyond reasonable doubt: I exist in a state of nirvana: I can wish for no more: and all I want to do, as my life is my work and my work is my life, is to share this new-found happiness with you all – Not only this, the cosmic wisdom bestowed upon me to be passed on to you is free! So, receive it in the spirit with which it is offered, and once aboard this eternal lifeboat to the future, only disseminate it to others in a like manner.

If you’ve found this website, the likelihood is you feel it was by chance. But, is anything by chance when the result leads to making a fortunate and unexpected discovery? Perhaps you have a talent for doing this, an inborn sixth sense - Namely serendipity! So, maybe this talent has now fortuitously worked for you, just as it most certainly has for me. For some months the Cosmos Coconut Club had been gathering dust, and apart from maintaining this site with ever-progressive and thought-provoking copy, and also sending out kindred spirit emails to other sites that I considered were trying to disseminate messages similar to my own, I’d begun to feel I’d never be in a position to substantiate all I’d written in my scripture, On the Square plus One, and was now advocating on this site – Serendipitously, I was to be proved wrong!

As a result of such a chance email I sent to www.opencheops.org, which is there for all to see, introducing myself as being kindred to its cause, subsequent email exchanges with its creator eventually vindicated all I wrote as the demented clown in On the Square plus One, especially in Brian and the Rainbow Men. The enigmatic formula fed into my mind psychically as my plane was banking over and I was fixedly gazing down at the Egyptian pyramids in 1980, y = x square plus one, I've learnt is indeed a famous one that was known to and used by the Ancient Egyptians when adepts were being Initiated, or Christed, at the Mystery School within the Great Pyramid of Cheops; and it's still preserved by the Masons today. Why so secretly? I think my informant must really have been surprised that I should have been made privy to it in the strange way I was, and he has come round to accepting that the solution I attach to it in the book is correct. It's the symbolic formula for the evolutionary progress of Universal Intelligence, and indicates that this is an ever-cyclic, eternal process, without beginning or end, and only having evolutionary stages between each birth and fruition. And the fact that this formula can never equate with nought means that the Seed of the Universe can never become cosmically extinct; as the One, which is its eternal and latent code is ever-present in the Seed - A trifle profound, perhaps, but simple if given a little bit of logical thought.

Having learnt this, you must realize why I now feel ecstatic; and cannot possibly have been simply a deluded loony, as many since my writing my whimsical scripture must have considered me. It's just that where ignorance is still bliss to most, it surely is folly to have been made wise. Have a look at this website sometime; it's an education in itself without the added authenticity of my own experience. So, serendipitous ones, feel joyous: You're on an unsinkable lifeboat towards conscious perfection, and then back into the crushing pot to start all over again – However, just as long as you don't rock the boat too much and drown on route! Why me the messenger? It's all explained by Rainbow Man Ray, aboard the Chariot of Fire in Dream to Reality. And, as now explained to me, I have triangles on my palms to prove it! Have a look between your own Head and Heart lines, just about where the Fate line crosses them, and see whether you can detect any on your own palms. It indicates that one of your own karmic predecessors was himself spiritually Christed by the Ancient Egyptians, as was Jesus himself, before he eventual allowed himself, for a second time to be crucified; but on that fearful occasion things went terribly wrong, and he ended up being physically murdered; his death then leading to the fairy story that now fronts for Christianity. What a world we live in! No wonder, my psychic Master was so pissed off, when destiny had me Initiated into the Egyptian Mysteries in 1980, and gave me such a mentally-crucifying hard time in the process. Anyway, all augurs well now.

What a great pity this reassuring ancient cosmic wisdom has been so perverted and mostly lost to modern mankind; and right now, I feel, as one illumined, it can only be reintroduced surreptitiously and strategically to avoid even greater global disharmony and misery. So, full details pertaining to this authenticity of Cosmos Club cosmogony remain secreted for the time being on DVDR. Suffice it to say, though, it's all a bit Vedanta Hindu really, but now having my own Cosmental experience as living proof to galvanize the faith! Nirvana is only to be found in life, not in death! And only self-experience can lead a person into believing this to be the Absolute Truth of the Whole. As you must already be aware from previous posts, I'm now as part of my water-on-the stone strategy trying to reintroduce a modicum of happiness-in-life thinking back into the all-life-is-suffering tenets of Buddhism. But, so far, my overtures to the status-quo-rocks have fallen upon stony ground. However, I do believe that at least my Sri Lankan father-in-law and my wife have already got the message. Others I come in contact with personally at the Cosmos Coconut Club can deal with my resurrected news as they see fit - For it is said in Kundalini illumined circles: For those who understand, no explanation is necessary. For those who do not, no explanation is possible.

But, am I finished? Not Quite! A few mornings ago after being acquainted with the validity of my cosmogony, I awoke refreshed for a change. The problem dreams I’d been experiencing of late hadn’t been in evidence. In fact, I’d encountered a few friendly faces from the past that seemed pleased to see and greet me. And, all at once, a topical psychic impression flooded my mind: Scientists were frantically striving to identify a so-called God Force, through a theory of Super Symmetry, and just days away from testing the gizmo to recreate the Big Bang. Well, whether they succeed or not and without having to get involved in a morass of math and scientific nitty-gritty myself, I can confidently confirm to these scientific boffins that such a Force does exist. But, it might also be a sobering thought to them that the Ancient Egyptians knew about it thousands of years ago, and as a result held Mystery Schools that turned out Initiates having no choice but to believe in Eternal Life.

So, all in all, for me, it’s: Eureka! Serendipity! Authenticity! QED!

Cosmos Coconut Club
Sri Lanka

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Hope Springs Eternal - It Does If You're Cosmicated!

To follow up my last article – Ad Infinitum, Amen – I feel it now time to compound my psychically-inspired philosophy with even more speculative profundity. But, to effect this, I think I ought to outline the logical and progressive thought-process of my own cosmication. So, first and foremost following my extraordinary experience of 1980, I had to decide if the happening had been psychic or psychotic. And, as the whole experience had made so much sense, I opted for it being psychic. But, I realized most others to whom I divulged the revelation would think I was crazy. But, undeterred, I persevered with the cosmic task of disseminating the message ordained, without getting persecuted in the process. And I was encouraged when I found a pearl of wisdom under the title – Hope Springs Eternal – which in an adapted form follows: Here's to the crazy ones: The misfits: The rebels: The trouble-makers: The round pegs in the square holes: The ones who see things differently. They're not governed by uncompromising edicts, and they have no respect for a stagnant status-quo. You can quote them, disagree with them, glorify, or vilify them. But the one thing you should never do is ignore them – As they can change things! They push humankind forward. And while some may see them as the crazy ones, others see genius – Because the people, who are adamant enough to think they can change the world, are often the ones who do. So, acting upon the information I received psychically, I began writing my whimsical scripture, On the Square plus One; and in Part I, Brian and the Rainbow Men, I established a symbolic Universal Management Committee: The Ultimate Force, the Leading Light and the Guiding Power: a non-denominational and inanimate control trinity, operating in the realm of Rainbow Land. Because, just as you can’t possibly see an oak tree by cutting open an acorn, it was obvious to me that the Seed of the Universe, the original seed of all, could not have declared its own fruition at the time of the Big Bang. So, I created this symbolic realm together with its Rainbow Men supporters, to give it a means of both exposing and imposing its inherent code.

Developing the theme from there, the following is an extract from the book, where the Ultimate Force, having become aware of the diverse problems on planet Earth in the System of the Sun, reflects on the wisdom of It having created a new domain for the evolution of universal intelligence from an explosive genesis to conscious perfection – Its Fruition – and, thereby endeavouring to emancipate Itself from an inanimate state and into a living and perfected conscious one!

It reads:

Completely aware of the events taking place in Rainbow Land, and carefully monitoring the chequered progress of the Leading Light in its efforts to find a satisfactory solution to the current crisis, the Ultimate Force pondered over the wisdom of having embarked upon this latest enterprise at all.
It seemed an inordinate length of time had passed since the Latent Intelligence contained within the Universal Seed, for so long repressed by the black hole that had ended Its previous escapade, had again broken loose to distribute Its mighty presence across the length, width, and depth of the void that was to become Its domain and con­stitute a new Universal Entity destined once again to expand and con­tract in accordance with the disciplined rules of cosmic har­mony.
But, as the Ultimate Force pondered, It just had to accept the irrefutable fact that It had really had no choice in the matter. It had been under an enormous pressure from Its innermost instinct to be born yet again. The Code within the Universal Seed had dictated it, and the resultant explosive birth had been inevitable.
The Ultimate Force had been propelled from the black hole with the usual reckless abandon that would only in time be brought un­der control by the inherent nature of the Universal Seed’s other four disseminated forces. And, spiraling outwards in every direction simultaneously, these forces had eventually generated a multitude of sub‑divisions by chain reaction and the whole fragmentation had finally stabilized into the innumerable galaxies that now constituted the expanding Universe.
Essentially, the Universe was simply a source of energy that the Ultimate Force could rely upon to transform Its own Latent Intelligence into comprehensive conscious intelligences that when evolved and perfected would give some mean­ing to and a practical purpose for Its existence in the first place. In essence then, the Universal Seed would be brought to fruition.

So, early in the whimsical presentation of my radical philosophy, the basic evolutionary intelligence die was cast – Not without reason: All that had happened during my Spiritual Emergence of 1980 had dictated it, the content of Ad Infinitum, Amen, just one important part of this experience.

Now, let me skip to a later section of my written saga, Brian and the Animate God. I’d teleported myself into the far distant future to be at One with our Animate God, the emancipated and consciously perfected Ultimate Force here. But, I was to become confused; because if the universe was a general breeding domain for the evolution of intelligence, what was to happen when the Animate God on planet Earth in the System of the Sun had eventually to call it a day and bow to the inevitability of Its animate demise. Could It just die and be reborn in another cosmic location? The sequence follows:

Brian quizzed the Colour-Sergeant further: "What does UF mean ‘in this neck of Its cosmic domain’? Does it mean there are other worlds with Conscious Intelligences in other parts of the Universe still going strong?"
"Probably, Sir! However, this is not our problem. By now, each world will certainly have its own pest-control brigade, under the direction of its own Animate God. We’ll end our being here, and then await materialisation as part of another brigade. And that, Sir, will probably be long after the creation of the next Universe…
"It’s also a matter of the Animate God to suit the environment really: conscious Intelli­gences of the Universe have to evolve different­ly everywhere: and each planet that supports Life eventually gets the Animate God that naturally evolves and that it deserves.
"What’s suitable here would hardly be suitable some­where else… And the Universe is so vast that even in the perfected state it is inconceiv­able that one world would ever have been able to integrate with another.
"But, the Ultimate Force in Its original form is part and parcel of all Animate Gods, and sets their standard of conduct, regardless of their physical form – Universally, of course!
"And as you know, Sir: UF always had a special interest in planet Earth, the place It called ‘The Pearl of the Universe’… There couldn’t be anywhere else old UF, in the form of our Animate God, would rather end Its conscious existence."
"Well, that’s comforting to know, Colour-Sergeant! I didn’t like the idea of UF, having phased out Beings here, then pushing off to sunnier climes."
"But, Sir, our Animate God has taken on board all other worthy Beings’ consciousness; they’re part and parcel of Its Eternal Psyche; and they go wherever It goes… Get it, Sir!"
"Of course, I now under­stand!
"Having been Animate God here, that’s the end of Its conscious existence; until It submits to the inevitable; merges with the Light; is reborn somewhere else; and finally reverts to an inanimate state… And, then, the whole process starts all over again, when the Ultimate Force has, with the assistance of gravity, recovered sufficient of Its fragmented parts from all over the Universe to make this possible... And so on, ad infinitum… It’s really ingeniou­s!"

And so, I’d finally satisfied my curiosity, and it has led me to understand that death is only a first class medium for bypassing time and space and progressing towards conscious perfection, wherever it might exist in the universe. And if asked the following question - Is death simply a first-class spaceship that can bypass time and space? – my reply has to be:

As far as spaceship death is concerned: Whether we like it or not, death is a trip we all have to make. So, why not think of it as a first-class means of slipping time and embarking on a space odyssey? It doesn’t really matter if this is what death is all about or not; it’s what satiates an individual’s psyche this life-time round that matters.

As a psychically inspired cosmic I’ve explained that I believe in the life-after-life progression towards conscious perfection, before the cosmos reverts to its seemingly inanimate state and starts the process of evolving its latent intelligence all over again. So, there are long spells when time itself becomes timeless in a conscious sense. I therefore asked myself: Where was my psyche from the time of the Big Bang, and perhaps even before, until my present conscious existence? After all, fifteen billion or so years is an awfully long period to be waiting in the wings to get on to the stage of life, especially as for most of it conscious existence, as we understand it, isn’t even possible. I therefore had to conclude: When in and out of conscious existence my psyche had remained in a state of suspended animation called death: this state was timeless, as it bypasses time in a conscious sense: and there was no reason for me to think otherwise when considering my psyche’s future journey.

As for death bypassing space: In a physical sense, space-travel in search of extra-terrestrial life seems a pretty remote possibility, due to the enormous distances involved. But, if the cosmos is considered to be a general breeding domain for the evolution of intelligence itself, as I believe it to be; and conscious existence is an essential part of this evolutionary process, there’s no reason for me to assume that my rebirth has to be here, on planet Earth in the system of the Sun. Unless there are no other conscious intelligences evolving in the cosmos, which I doubt very much, it could well be that death and rebirth afford a bypass to physical space-travel barriers. If so, I only hope that wherever my psyche ends up next, the planetary beings there have banished all the dark devils from their systems that at present plague our own planetary existence. And, if it goes nowhere else, and hangs around planet Earth in the System of the Sun to be reborn, I can only hope that Earthlings have by then also all developed a cosmic consciousness and have learnt to dwell in peace and harmony. Whatever, eventually, it’ll be back to the inanimate state and start all over again – And this is all down to the Ultimate Force!

This might sound outrageous – But, can anyone prove this psychically inspired ad infinitum philosophy wrong? I don’t think so.


Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Ad Infinitum, Amen!

So far, not yet cosmicated? Perhaps the following might help to encourage a spiritual transition:

In an environment ever-cyclic by nature, nothing can ever end – Or, so I was led to believe by what, in the Desperate Year of the Lord 1980, purported to be the Scientific Trinity of the Universe, as it enlisted my mortal Earthly assistance from the subconscious realm of my immortal Cosmic existence. Dispelled was the traditional image of the Lord, lurking in Paradise, awaiting the heaven-sent miracle of becoming the conqueror of all evil at the end of time; and in His place a Cosmic Christ, simply part and parcel of an all-pervading, non-denominational Scientific Management Committee, seeking a far more practical method of reactivating the chequered progress of Universal Intelligence towards a state of Conscious Perfection. To me, at least, it was a clear case of ‘Seek not what the Lord can do for you, but what you can do for the Lord’. Yes, fellow travellers, it was a gargantuan pill to swallow, and anyone can read the full details of this startling revelation in my four-part literary work, entitled ‘On the Square plus One’ – So, without further ado, to use a very convenient cliché, on with the main theme of this article.

I can still recall vividly the vision that opened up before my eyes, whilst in a hypnagogic state of consciousness: a Book of Life, no less, its pages slowly turning to reveal my own progress, life after life after life, along the evolutionary path towards Conscious Perfection. A concerned Voice added more meaning to this vision: ‘Brian, why do you fear death?’ It had already asked rhetorically, prior to the manifestation of the vision, seeming to know that I was powerless to answer. ‘The pictures show your continuous life-after-life record,’ It went on to explain in a no-nonsense mode. ‘And the thickness of the pages represents death… Therefore, in living terms, death does not exist; it is timeless... So, why should you worry?’ With all else that had happened during the course of my psychic initiation into the Cosmos Club, I was therefore convinced that Life, a major element in the evolution of Universal Intelligence was de facto everlasting for as long as it was able to flourish within the confines of Its Cosmic Host, and my own living, conscious Cosmic existence was no exception to the rule. Obviously, there are very long periods, in terms of conscious thinking, along the evolutionary path of Universal Intelligence when Conscious Life cannot flourish. But, this matters not in a living sense, as death is timeless. Ask yourself this question – Where was my living conscious existence during the billions of years that it took for the Universal Intelligence to even evolve Life, let alone have it flourish towards perfection? The answer must be: It doesn’t matter an iota; your consciousness wasn’t around to get bored waiting. It was painlessly stored in a timeless vault called death, awaiting the chance to be born as soon as natural circumstances permitted – A necessity of the Code within the Seed of the Universe.

Ever since being initiated into the Cosmos Club, I’ve vehemently maintained that a Universe without a consciousness to appreciate the very wonder of Its existence in the first place is a waste of time and space, and I’m sure that the Code within the Seed of the Universe would think likewise if at the time of Its explosive birth, it had a consciousness to express its views. Never mind, if you cut open an acorn can you see the oak tree? Likewise, the Original Seed of All couldn’t be expected to give up its inherent secrets at the moment of birth. After all is said and done, it’s taken some fifteen billion years for me to now give It a voice and some practical purpose, rather than have it burning off matter in space for no reason whatsoever. And, believe me, when I say, on Its behalf – Its fruition still has some way to go before it achieves Conscious Perfection and reverts to becoming another Original Seed.

Yes, I dare to prophecy that eventually this Universe will cease Its expansionist evolutionary programme and collapse back on itself in what could be termed a ‘Big Crunch’. Gravity is a fact of Cosmic Sod’s Law that even the Original Seed and Its Inherent Code cannot do without. For, without it, the Universal Seed would never survive, let alone thrive, and be capable of progressing from one Universal Adventure to another. It’s the Grim Reaper of the Universe – But, it does ensure that our Universe can revert to being a Seed, and in so doing start Its ever-cyclic nature ad infinitum, taking all our living conscious experiences with it as part and parcel of Its Inherent Code. Therefore, don’t deny the Original Seed’s Unique Ability that dwells within us, and repeat as you gaze into a mirror to behold the emergent God – In an environment ever-cyclic by nature, nothing can ever end……. Amen!

There may have been many ‘Big Bangs’ in the past, or just the last. But, I’m sure there’ll be more to come in the future; the mind boggles at the idea. Though, even I as a well-versed practicing Cosmogonologist can’t imagine how the very first Seed ever came into being. I still wonder how No-thing begets Some-thing in No-where – So, the Ultimate Mystery of the Universe remains sacrosanct!


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The Necessity for a Cosmic Course Correction

I came across a very profound snippet of modern jargonized wisdom quite recently, which I feel worth repeating here: If intelligent life is the universe’s way of becoming aware and understanding itself then this planet needs a reboot. I couldn’t agree more; as this much needed reboot is just what I’ve been trying to effect for the past two decades; so far, needless to say perhaps, without too much success. But, I still persevere. Following up on the last article and ever hoping to give Buddhism the chance to make my overtures as a Cosmic come to pass, I some time ago wrote the following letter under the above heading to the Buddhist Cultural Centre in Colombo; this authority being the most appropriate, close to me in Sri Lanka. True to status quo conservatism, it remains unanswered and no doubt unheeded – But, such is the unenviable lot of the Lambeth Pilgrim, and all freethinking radicals like me.

It read:

Having received a very powerful and dramatic course correction to my spiritual existence in 1980, I feel that the psychic revelation I received during this enlightenment might well be of interest to you and your peers. And believe me when I say I only have the future welfare of mankind at heart; and no wish to be glorified as another radical cult figure, trying to establish a new religion to replace all the relics of the past. There is surely a need in the world for a refreshing common-sense philosophy, based on modern scientific know-how and lifestyles; but never let it be classified as a religion. Religion can only lead to further bitterness, hatred and conflict; enough is enough, I think it fair to say.

What has made me write to you, you’ll no doubt be asking yourself? That’s if my letter has not already found its way into the trash bin – One reason alone! My Sri Lankan wife found your publication, Buddhism as a Religion, by Dr. K. Sri Dhammananda, in the bookshop that’s handling my own book sales in Sri Lanka. Knowing I’d be interested to read another view of Buddhism, she bought it, and I’ve now read it. For sure, it was not my first introduction to the subject, as since my life became my work and my work my life, following my own enlightenment, I’d researched all the major religions and philosophies of the world. Hence, my books and the articles appended to this letter.

I found the book well-written and easy to read, but wish it hadn’t classified Buddhism as a religion. I think you’ll understand why, if you follow my articles, concluding with my thoughts on the future role for a revitalized form of Buddhism in the article entitled Embodiment of Nature’s Deity.

Rightly or wrongly, I find the all-life-is-suffering, with desire causing the suffering, and the opt-out-of-rebirth-via-nirvana idealism of Buddhist philosophy both joyless and pessimistic. Whereas its life-after-life-after-life karmic flavour, with each person acting as their own god, is by far the nearest existing belief I’ve found to give credence to my psychically inspired Cosmos Club philosophy. I, therefore, far from endeavouring to dispense a new philosophy called Brianism, via the Cosmos Club, would prefer to encourage the infusion of joy, practicality and optimism into your own well-established philosophy; since this would be a far more efficacious way of processing the near-impossible mission psychically ordained for me – The promotion of a life-after-life belief that heralds progress towards conscious perfection and the evolution of a truly living deity. Nirvana in such circumstances would not then have to be thought a desirable escape route, once this essential step in the evolution of universal intelligence had transpired. However, who as a practicing Buddhist would be prepared to accept such a radical change of thinking, despite the written words of your learned author, who claims – Rational thinking and the importance of inviting criticism are paramount in Buddhism; and – No matter to what lengths increased scientific knowledge can extend man’s mental horizon, within the framework of the Dharma there is room for the acceptance of further discovery?

Well, I’m not a Buddhist, since I have to follow my own path. This path is what I would call a Middle Path, as a Confirmed Cosmic, which hopefully balances more mundane and practical material considerations with an advanced spiritual awareness. But, I can see a better future for Buddhism, if it can cope with modern scientific trends. Einstein allegedly thought it could cope – But, living as I do in Sri Lanka, party to traditional negative attitudes, I have my doubts. I hope I’m wrong; not in my cosmogony, but in my doubts. Only time will tell, and until this time arrives, I will continue to use my water-on-the-stone technique of attack on the status quo. I hope by this letter you’ll find it possible to consider positively what’s been stated; and accept that I only want to see a far better future for the world at large, with Buddhism as a revitalized driving force to achieve it.

Cosmos Club
Sri Lanka

Do you think I might ever see Buddhist monks of good conscious cheer amongst the ranks of the industrious productive classes? I fear not in my present lifetime.


Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Embodiment of Nature's Deity - The Case for Brian's Cosmogony

Being a psychically inspired Cosmic, I realize that I’m the closest I’ll get this life round to becoming the Animate God that’s still evolving out of nature to dwell in a state of conscious perfection. I can’t say I’m really euphoric with my progress in this incarnation; it still leaves much to be desired; and so presumably does that of all my karmic predecessors; but I’ll carry on doing the best I can with my lot in an effort to blaze a cosmicated trail to what must surely become a life-after-life harmonious future. For, in spite of all other shortcomings, I was endowed with an advanced awareness that laid bear the code contained within the cosmic seed. Yes, folks, I’m fast heading towards its fruition, a perfect state of consciousness, no less; as I came to accept that I’m important to its evolution path by virtue of my birth, and in due course I’ll be part and parcel of this Animate God. Does this make me unique? Of course not! Anyone reading this can join me: just by embodying the idea of being an embryonic deity in one’s own right, thereby becoming a confirmed Cosmic like myself: acting the part to the very best of one’s inborn ability, without fear or favour: and living a revitalized life full of optimism for the future. Inevitably, however, there’ll be those skeptics who’ll decry your newfound completeness; never mind, they’ll have chosen a more difficult path to the same future. They have to be pitied; since, as I’ve stated before, old habits die hard.

Okay, this article is yet another solution to the same old conundrum: What is the purpose of life in the evolutionary progress of the universe? But, more importantly perhaps, what can I yet do to shock my peers into believing in themselves as important to this evolution, and instigate a thought-mode within them that will lead to a more rational spiritual belief for the whole of mankind. Yes, to me, everything I say, do and write is this important – My life is my work and my work is my life! However, you might well ask, how can such a radical cosmogony ever be made to take root and propagate? My answer - Only by keep on propounding the following logical case for it:

Every living entity carries within it the deity of nature, as this is the only deity that can exist, if you really want to believe in any form of deity within the seed of universal creation that has finally made your own conscious existence possible. You can know this embodiment as God, if you like. But I prefer to know it as the Ultimate Force, making its way from explosive genesis to consummated, living existence, before reverting to become its former inanimate self, yet still capable of creating yet another cosmic wonderland. Believing this to be the truth, I therefore live a life of hope in a universe with a purpose. And there can be nothing wrong with this mode of thought – It’s both logical and benign!

Needless to say, however, my radical cosmogony is at serious odds with most of the existing major religions and philosophies that beset the troubled world of today; a world that’s held hostage to its fragmented past with disastrous consequences. Therefore, my optimism will be suppressed for as long as possible by all those with strong vested interests in the status quo of entrenched and ill-informed ideologies that are desperately in need of modernization. What was considered to be the be-all-and-end all of spiritual enlightenment thousands of years ago when little was known of the basic science of the universe can hardly reign supreme for much longer into the future. There has to be a major shift in thought-modes, now that our planetary home has de facto become a global village due to the advent of advanced technology. But, I see very little effort on the part of powerful leaders to set the ball rolling in this direction. I will therefore continue with my water-on-the-stone campaign until my efforts do attract some serious attention, and hopefully rattle a few cages of the mentally restrained.

So far to further these efforts, I have published my quartet of books under the seemingly cryptic title of ‘On the Square plus One’. This is not just to elevate the awareness of the Freemasonry fraternity, but also to blaze a symbolic formula for the progression of cosmic intelligence. It’s the ‘E equals mc squared’ of the metaphysical world. And the content of this scripture for the so-called New Age does nothing to encourage future spiritual belief down the line of Judaic, Christian and Islamic thinking. Since, when you feel obligated to disseminate a psychically-inspired philosophy that entails life-after-life progression towards a state of conscious perfection, also endorsed by the spiritual influence of Jesus, you can hardly expect to further the old God-in-the-Sky notions of the past. So, there I face a major problem, with the real possibility of a terminal solution being aimed in my direction; never mind, the course of radical change is never smooth; and I’ve already faced, in my own mind, the daunting prospect of such a terminal solution when I was psychically cosmicated back in 1980.

Here in Sri Lanka, however, where I’ve now established a base to further my radical mission, I suppose my cosmogony will not cause too many ripples. The country has a predominately Buddhist flavour, and the idea of life-after-life existence is nothing new to the population. However, it isn’t one that’s really sought after. The teaching is such that it proclaims all life to be suffering, and the prospect of rebirth is to be avoided at all costs by achieving a state of nirvana – avoidance of rebirth! Now, this to me and my psychic mentor, the Ultimate Force, would be a kiss of death to all we stand for, if true. So, I suppose I can expect cries of outrage when it becomes known that I seek to infuse a spirit of conscious living hope into a pessimistic and somewhat impractical ideology that’s held sway for some 2,500 years. But, even in this endeavour, I found I wasn’t entirely alone. Many years ago, Sri Aurobindo, far more celebrated than I, expressed his discontent with the Eastern concept of nirvana. He sought to embody god in everyday life, not seek to escape the world via nirvana. Like me, he could see the necessity for a change in thought-patterns whereby all humans believed in the spiritualization of the natural world including their own existence. But, unlike me, he couldn’t really see the deity of nature within himself; God was still an outside entity.

So, how can I gain endorsement and further the cause of my own ‘life-after-life-deity-within’ philosophy, I many times had to ask myself? And, then, out of the blue, so to speak, endorsement eventually came from the most unlikely source of all – Lord Buddha himself! A newspaper article prophetically came to my notice, propounding ‘The Concept of Impermanence explained through Buddhism’, most of which I found hard-going in the extreme. But, there, in words, which were far more understandable to me, written by an expert on the subject, quite obviously well-versed in the edicts of the so-called Enlightened One, it stated: ‘In the absence of god, who is transcendental, there cannot be a saviour who is capable of saving others. In this sense the world is essentially helpless and protectorless, and this insight has been articulated by the statement ‘attano loko anabhissaro’. If human beings do not have an overlord who is capable of taking care of them, one has to take care of oneself. This idea is expressed by the well-known statement ‘atta hi attano natho’: one is one’s own god. By denying the existence of god who can function as the saviour Buddhism attributes a great responsibility on human beings. They themselves have to look after their liberation from suffering. The Buddha cannot function as a saviour. You yourself must do the work; the Buddhas are only the pointers of the path.’
Therefore, there’s already in existence a life-after-life well-established philosophy, whereby one is one’s own god. Excellent, I feel that in many ways this gives very much more authenticity to the Cosmos Club concept of human significance. There are millions of people who, if they are true Buddhists, at least accept the same fundamental principles: they believe in rebirth; and they are all gods in their own right, endowed with the deity of nature, for there is none other. There’s only one major difference between their thinking and mine: In looking after their liberation from suffering, they’re advised to aim for an opt-out-of-life pessimistic, consciousless route into the future, and I’m promoting a positive, optimistic conscious one. I know life’s full of suffering, and it was no doubt more so 2,500 years ago, but conscious existence is the only thing that gives any evolutionary meaning to the universe. Without it, what purpose does the universe serve? Therefore, if I can only convince Buddhism that we’re all de facto heading for a perfect state of consciousness; and there’ll eventually be an Animate God to serve the needs of the world by eliminating all this suffering, apart from that inflicted by Sod’s Law, then the Cosmos Club will have performed a very valuable service for humanity. Buddhism, having a bright new image of hope, could be the precursor of my sought-after scientifically-orientated Unisex Pantheon of Common Sense that the world now so desperately needs. But, without change, it’s certain to fade into extinction, together with all the other religious beliefs and philosophies of old. Believe me – I could be yet another Buddha!

Accepting the embodiment of nature’s deity and its aim, I will continue to do my utmost to ensure that its spiritual presence in us all is made known and flourishes in the future; and that the Ultimate Force, born out of the seed of the universe, comes to fruition in the form of conscious perfection as soon as possible. But, if I fail, I’m sure nature will do the job for me – It hasn’t been known to fail yet! I’m just giving it all the help I can. How’s about you?

I rest my case.


Monday, June 2, 2008

Radical Reflections of Brian, the Lambeth Pilgrim

Here in Sri Lanka, I have followed with concern articles on the subject of so-called unethical religious conversions. For, regardless of any alleged material incentives dispensed to effect such conversions, I have to ask what big difference these conversions can make in a spiritual sense, when the whole spectrum of spiritual dogmatism in today's perilous world is in dire need of a radical rethink.

Being a Cosmic, I have to say that converting from one traditional religious belief to another is like a lemming leaping from a frying pan into the fire – It just doesn't make sense! In today's zealously guarded and spiritually diverse world that begrudges freedom of thought, and doesn't want to acknowledge the existence of the Inherent Deity in us all, what can it matter who converts whom to what? A far better idea would be for humans to willingly become Cosmics, abandon existing beliefs, and accept the undeniable fact that we are all making the same journey along Mother Nature's evolutionary path to the future.

In my previous articles, aired under titles ‘Am I alone?’, ‘Look in the Mirror and see God’, and ‘Let's Get Back to Basics' I have stated what I believe to be a far more rational conversion; away from the blinkered, personalized and fragmented thought-patterns of old; and into a more comprehensive, open-minded and scientifically-orientated thought-pattern realm of the future. A dramatic move, as I discovered, when I was first initiated as a Cosmic, and became founder member of what I now call the Cosmos Club; which really is nothing more frightening than a non-contributory philosophical society.

But, let me reflect on how this radical but more rational conversion has coloured my existence, and transformed me from Brian, a comparative non-entity, into Brian, the Lambeth Pilgrim, with a serious cosmic mission to fulfill. Therefore, to reiterate: Whatever anyone might say to the contrary, I hereby declare: We are all ruled by the Cosmos and I am a confirmed Cosmic.

Logically, how can there be any other ruler? If our sun exploded tomorrow, who would be left around the day after to argue the point? Or, if a gigantic rogue asteroid came on collision course, as it probably did when the dinosaurs were temporary masters of our fragile planet, and we humans were obliterated overnight, it would be some considerable time before another species with a modicum of intelligence evolved, and began examining our fossilized remains. The Cosmos knows no sentiment, has no respect for reputations and no compassionate god to control its inherent nature. It really is a matter of Sod's Law, rather than God’s.

Does this thinking make me an atheist? Certainly not! I don't live without hope in a Cosmos without a purpose. I believe in a far more comprehensible Cosmic Trinity, born of the universal seed: Namely the Ultimate Force, the Leading Light and the Guiding Power. This symbolic Scientific Trinity supersedes all existing personalized and/or nebulous entities currently worshipped by man. And I profess to be its latter-day prophet. Make no mistake: this Scientific Trinity is part of me, as it is you. Nevertheless, there are those who would still want to classify me as a heretic and a serious threat to the future of the status quo. Why? Answer – Entrenched protectionism!

I suppose I could be called a proselyte, if a baptismal certificate obtained from a Lambethian Protestant vicar carries any weight. Incidentally, Lambeth is a Borough of London, England for the sake of the uninformed. However, proselyte would be a misnomer, since neither my family nor I paid any heed to the sacrosanct voice of the Church. The Church was only there to pay lip-service to hatches, matches and despatches, as the cockney-orientated patter of the diocese went. I was therefore to all intents and purposes more of an atheist before I became a confirmed cosmic than after.

Psychically cosmicated in 1980, I'm now proud to call myself the Lambeth Pilgrim, tasked by this Scientific Trinity to further the activities of what is called the Cosmos Club. And I guess I give far more thought to the purpose of our universe and man's place in it than most traditional thinkers, whether they are Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus or Buddhists. Pardon me, if I've forgotten the sect of your upbringing, but how many of you believe that mankind is progressing life-after-life-after-life towards a state of conscious perfection, and will finally end up in the form of the Animate God? Not many of you, I venture to say.

You think I'm crazy? Then think again. Because I'm certain that if any one of you had been subjected to the psychic brainwashing I experienced over a four-day period, without sleep, when I was initiated into the Cosmos Club by the psychic Master of the Universe itself, you'd also believe what has been expressed above.

Never mind, the awesome deed is related in my whimsical scripture for the so-called New Age, entitled ‘On the Square plus One’. So, I won't bother you with further detail in this particular expose. What I will say, however, is that after completing this four-part package, I researched other sources to see if there had been any other ‘crazy' thinkers like myself in the past. I'm pleased to say that I found that at least two others had dared to challenge the status of the established Church with similar, albeit not conclusive, ideas. And they'd been severely castigated for their efforts. Therefore, what challenges do I face when my even-more-radical thoughts become public knowledge? My mind boggles, but my mission has to continue, if mankind is ever to claw its way out of the morass in which it presently finds itself as a result of the conflicting customs and ideas that hold all human beings as hostages to the past.

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, a theologian, philosopher, and paleontologist, presently much better known than myself, came to the church-shaking conclusion, more than fifty years ago, that the universe had its very own evolutionary history, and that an increasingly complex consciousness is an integral part of the evolution – Very profound thinking for an ordained Jesuit, but definitely bad news for the Church. Thought for the day: Look in the mirror and see God; you're part of this evolution. He went on to theorize that the universe had evolved in four phases – Galactic, Earth, Life, and Human! Good lad – What more logical scientific progress could the code within the seed of the universe have followed? But, what was the future of humans? In its human form, evolution had become conscious of itself. Another thought for the day: What is the purpose of a Universe without Consciousness? It might just as well not exist. He finally took his thinking one step further into visionary thought. The destiny of human consciousness, via the ultra-human, a process already underway, was to converge with Christ, the omega point, at which time it would find its ultimate integrity and unity. Therefore, one final thought for the day: Pierre Teilhard de Chardin was ‘On the Square plus One' without realizing it – An Animate God was on the Cosmic Cards ….. So, please look in the mirror again – You're on the way!

As might be expected, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin's visionary thoughts went with him to the grave, but his writings, published posthumously, live on. And I realize full well that my own far more radical psychically inspired concepts will suffer the same fate; for, as Sir Arthur C. Clarke stated, during an interview on Sri Lankan television – Religion was invented by the devil to prevent the masses from understanding the true nature of god. I don't believe in his devil, but I fully understand his sentiments.

Regardless of entrenched opposition, we will all progress life-after-life-after-life towards this omega point. There's nothing that can prevent the cosmic seed burgeoning from its explosive birth to its consummated fruition – Namely, a state of conscious perfection. I repeat – The Cosmos Rules!

But, let's not end there. Let's continue on the path of sordid entrenched protectionism, Church-style. Mathew Fox, a Dominican priest, was silenced temporarily by the Vatican in 1988 as a result of his unorthodox views. He dared to suggest that Christianity needed to modify its dogmatic, misguided dogma, if it wished to survive into the third millennium. He wasn't wrong: Even Jesus, its founder, seemingly crying out in the spiritual wilderness of the mind at large told me this psychically in 1980. His contention was that Christianity was already moribund and couldn't survive into the future in its traditional form. The original, cosmic mystification of Christ had been suppressed by a patristic, moralistic, anthropocentric framework that had wreaked severe psychic damage by alienating human beings from the Cosmos, the planet, and each other. This induced alienation had manifested itself in misogyny, child and sex abuse; drug, alcohol and entertainment addiction; gross materialism; and perhaps most of all the matricide of Mother Earth. Oh, boy – Read all about it in ‘On the Square plus One’.

In his 1988 book, ‘The Coming of the Cosmic Christ' , Mathew Fox articulates his concept of a Cosmic Christ , as opposed to historical Jesus ; and the Church ought to turn from its preoccupation with historical Jesus and begin a quest for the Cosmic Christ. But, this could not be achieved without a new living cosmology, embracing a ‘Holy Trinity of Science (knowledge of creation), mysticism (experimental union with creation and its unnamable mysteries), and art (expression of our awe at creation)’. Well, folks, I'd already taken all this on board in 1980, and I've got the tee-shirt to prove it. Care to join me as a member of the Cosmos Club?
Well done, Mathew Fox. As a priest, undoubtedly first indoctrinated by the Church, presumably long before you were able to think for yourself, you did well to remove the blinkers and enter the realm of freethinkers. If you're still around, I'd be happy to entertain you in Sri Lanka at the Cosmos Club.

Let me conclude these reflections with a reference to the ‘World Charter for Nature’, drawn up by the United Nations General Assembly in 1982. Yes, it was certainly all happening in the Eighties, when the possibility of planetary destruction was a proven fact and a vivid danger. It includes these basic truths: Mankind is part of nature and life depends on the uninterrupted functioning of natural systems, which ensure the supply of energy and nutrients. Civilization is rooted in nature, which has shaped human culture and influenced all artistic and scientific achievement, and living in harmony with nature gives man the best opportunities for the development of his creativity, and for rest and recreation.

Therefore, when are the most powerful world leaders in thought and deed going to put their hypocritical acts together and get to grips with the real problems of this world? All else is like cutting off the tip of an iceberg. Alas, the constitution of the Cosmos Club shows the way, but who in power is interested in reading it?

Dream on Lambeth Pilgrim – Perhaps your next life will provide the answer!


Saturday, May 31, 2008

Let's Get Back To Basics

I thought it worthwhile copying to this site my letter of support for another that recently appeared in the local Sri Lankan press; since by far the biggest problem facing peaceful co-existence in the world today is not one that’s exclusive to the war torn island of Sri Lanka - It’s global!

My letter read:

John David’s letter concerning the stupidity of ethnicity has prompted me to let him know he is not alone in coming to this conclusion. Ethnicity, masking the divide-and-rule power game, is, and always has been, the scourge of mankind; an insidious deterrent to peaceful co-existence. But, who in power is yet ready to stand up, be counted, and say so? Nobody really comes to mind. Sadly, there are far too many feathered nests to be found by pandering to the dreaded status quo. So, it has to be those like the John David’s and I who have to speak out and demand much needed radical changes for the betterment of our species.

In a previously published letter to your newspaper I declared I now consider myself to be a Cosmic, as without fear of argument we all are; and I promote a scientifically-orientated cosmogony to encourage others to think likewise. Needless to say, in a transitional world still shrouded in ignorance, most clad in the stifling motley of their diverse ethnicities think I’m crazy. But, to me, the truly crazy ones in the great game of life are those who allow others to control their minds from birth to the grave. Each and every one of us is born a Cosmic, but traditional thought pollution is ethnically force fed into our newly acquired brains from birth. And before we know where we are, we’ve been labeled like Heinz 57 varieties – You’re Christian; you’re Moslem; you’re Hindu; you’re Buddhist; you’re Jewish; you’re this that or the other; but never do you remain a Cosmic Earthling. Result – Enduring misery and conflict on Earth!

Having been freed from the firm grip of traditional misguided divide-and-rule mind control the hard way (psychically, over four days and nights without sleep in 1980) I now offer a far easier way for others to do likewise. And this is the predominant purpose of my Cosmos Club. Pay me a visit sometime, preferably as a free-thinker or wanting to become one.


Monday, May 26, 2008

Look In The Mirror And See God

No reaction to my last article - So, let me once again try to ripple the stagnant backwaters of the status quo.

It is pitiful that most of mankind is still hostage to the impractical belief that God, in a perfect form, exists in some nebulous realm; there, in this sublimely detached and omnipotent state for the greater good of mankind. Having already declared myself to be a Cosmic, I for one believe no such thing.

Having discovered the Cosmic Path to the future myself, I encourage others to do likewise. It is so spiritually rewarding to learn that, far from being atheistic in your view of Creation, you have a life-after-life part to play in its evolutionary progression towards a perfect state of consciousness, the fruition of the Cosmic Seed, no less; as you are de facto an embryonic Animate God. Yes, the Supreme Force is still maturing within us all; and, as yet, a long way from being in a position to exert a controlling influence over the destructive forces of Mother Nature. So, don’t ever expect a phantom God, in some nowhere realm, to come to the aid of the party, curtailing earthquakes and other natural disasters, and be looking down benevolently on mankind – Nature still rules and knows no sentiment! Rather: Look in the mirror and see God: decide what sort of Supreme Force you’d like to become in the future: start acting the part to the best of your ability: and promote ways to ensure our fragile and ethnically-fragmented planet estate becomes a far safer place upon which to live and thrive.

Humankind has within itself the mental ability to fend off the destructive forces of nature, which will forever prevail. We’ve also developed advanced technology to assist in this respect, even down to a means of destroying any rogue asteroid that might once again be on collision course with our planet. Therefore, let us use these proven realities to the best advantage in a revitalized world without trying to blame an ethereal deity that doesn’t even exist for our own failure to perform.

I repeat: Look in the mirror and see God; it’s a good way to learn the truth about your evolving, ever-cyclic cosmic existence.


Saturday, May 24, 2008

Am I Alone

It’s little use operating a blog like this if silence is the only reaction to it. So, to get things on a thread, so to speak, I’ll try to open up a line of contentious debate. The following is a letter that I recently had aired in the Sri Lankan national press. Its content, however, could easily apply to every country in the world. Yet, there isn’t one world leader with the awareness and courage to acknowledge this truth and get to grips with the problem. Am I alone in my quest to unify the mind of man and create a world fit to dwell in? I hope not; for the sake of our futures.

The letter read:

Discover the Cosmic Path to the Future.

Conventionally, I am a British Subject, married to a Sri Lankan Subject, having dwelt in this country for the past four years. But, on a more profound level of thinking, I consider myself to be a Cosmic, born of the Universe, as without fear of contradiction we all are. And nowadays I bear no commercial, political or spiritual affinity to any organization existing in the perilous world of today; a world that is held firmly hostage to its ethnically fragmented past, with disastrous consequences for all peace-loving people, desperately trying to find salvation within the on-going morass of archaic thought-patterns still monotonously propounded by the world’s most powerful voices. Divide and rule is still the degenerate name of their sectarian power game, not that of Unite the People, and stand by its enlightened example.

I suppose I’ve been lucky enough to find my own salvation within this near moribund system, whereby I’m at least able to have peace of mind and live happily with hope in a Universe with a definite purpose; because a spiritual voice in my head made more sense than the temporal voices that had tried to dominate my mind from the time I became of an age to listen to their words. However, it seems that most others haven’t been so fortunate in escaping from this tenacious grip of traditionalism; and this is why I’m now endeavouring to engender a more eclectic, freethinking thought-pattern into the minds of those with whom I have contact – Hence, the existence of my own Cosmos Club and this letter to you.

Most days I read the letters and articles in your paper, in the main written by those who have an axe to grind in respect of some topical issue, and generally relative to politics or spirituality. And, each is coloured by a strong bias in favour of the writer’s ingrained ethnic and/or spiritual upbringing. Far from easing the existing ills facing the country, they add highly inflammatory fuel to the debate, without offering any feasible idea of how to resolve such ills. Without doubt, politics and spirituality, allied to nationalism, have always been the breeding ground for hatred and contempt, and in spite of all the fine rhetoric to the contrary, made by those with vested interests within the status quo of the existing mosaic of conflicting customs and beliefs, it has to be said that any solution arrived at in solving these ills will only be like chipping away at the tip of a multi-cultural iceberg; its rock-solid dogmatic mix at foundation level will continue to remain a deterrent to lasting peace until a far more mono-cultural thaw sets in throughout the world to liquidate it.

Old habits die hard. I know. It took four days and nights without sleep for me to be cleansed psychically of all previous nationalistic and spiritual bias. This is why I now consider myself a Cosmic, and respectfully ask others to think beyond their hidebound ethnic backgrounds and trace their own roots back to the Original Seed of all, the Creation of the Universe, an ever-cyclic energy source for the evolution of Intelligence from humble inanimate genesis to its ultimate animate fruition in this domain of its galactic realm: a state of Conscious Perfection in the Supermind of a community of Earthlings, dwelling without fear or favour in a United States of the World, governed by a Rainbow Parliament, and spiritually influenced by a scientifically-orientated Unisex Pantheon of Common Sense.

Sounds like a pipedream, doesn’t it? Nevertheless, a transition in thought-patterns is already well underway, and who knows what I might discover as I evolve life after life down the cosmic path to the future. Anyone care to join me?

Cosmos Coconut Club
Sri Lanka